Crash Course In Java Brain Surgery

insinuation and speculations: My thoughts about Java, HTML5, software development and IT in general

Alfred Extension: Show/Hide desktop icons on Mac OS X

For some reasons, I’m using desktop as temporary storage of files – downloaded from internet, in-progress documents, screenshots and code snippets. Time after time I create screencasts and I need to have clean desktop.
First, I tried to find available solution and have found Desktop Curtain. I don’t need all this fanciness (different desktop wallpapers, customization) so $2.99 is overkill for me and for this taks.

So, I decide to create my own solution with help of shell and Alfred.
Googled for Mac OS X command and I created simple script what I wrapped after as Alfred Extension.

You can download Alfred Extension for my Dropbox. To use it you need to have Alfred PowerPack purchased.